What you will receive:
 1 x Monthly Live Cosmic Ceremonies with Alex + Pam as they take you through the portals of the year. Receive powerful light language codes, downloads, and transmissions from the galaxy and Star Beings. Galactic missions and training throughout the month to up level your knowledge of the Universe (and multi verses).

 VIP access to events, retreats, and new programs A private community of like minded individuals and Starseeds to feel at home with and share your magic.  

Behind the scenes on the creation of the Galactic Star Tarot being published by Hay House. We might even ask you for advice on the artwork and so much more as it is being created. 

 And probably more because we are adding new experiences as a surprise during the months. 

Cart closes January 5th, but if you join before New Year’s Day, you will get to party with us Live for the New Year’s Galactic Initiation Ceremony 1/1 /2023 Live (Value $1111).
We will welcome the New Year’s sacred geometry so that you can deepen your spiritual journey in 2023 and get through level ups with ease. Connect into the cosmos. We will also be calling a Star guardian for the year to watch over us and help us with our ascension process.  

Here are a couple other bonuses that we have created for you too for this launch (you might not get them again next round):  

Galactic dna Awakened Activation Subliminal (Value $111) -to support the high frequency container that they are stepping into. Healing the cells and up leveling their physical vessel for Starseed codes and binaural beats + cosmic subliminals.  

Cosmic Chakra Journey (Value $2222) - A 12 Month galactic activation of your energy centers to unlock your star gifts and wisdoms. Check out what some of the members have to say about this bonus.

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($297.00)$297.00
  • Preferred option
    Subscription ($33.00/mnth)$33.00/mo

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


Galactic Star Society$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xGalactic Star Society$0

All prices in USD